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Hope is a Journey | La esperanza es un viaje

Writer's picture: Incarnate Word SistersIncarnate Word Sisters

"There shall come forth a shoot from the stump of Jesse, and a branch shall grow out of his roots" (Isaiah 7:14).

In these passages [we are told of the moment hope came into the world.] God fulfills his promise by becoming human; not abandoning his people, he draw near to the point of stripping himself of his divinity. In this way God shows his fidelity and inaugurate a new kingdom, which gives a new hope to humankind. And what is this hope? Eternal life.

For a Christian, to hope means the certainty of being on a journey with Christ toward the Father who awaits us. Hope is never still; hope is always journeying, and it makes us journey.

[In our journey with Jesus] every yes we say is a seed of hope. Let us trust in this seed of hope, in this yes [to journey with him].

"Saldrá un brote del tronco de Jesé, y una rama crecerá de sus raíces" (Isaías 7:14).

En estos pasajes [se nos dice sobre el momento en que la esperanza vino al mundo.] Dios cumple su promesa al hacerse humano; sin abandonar a su pueblo, se acerca al punto de despojarse de su divinidad. De esta manera, Dios muestra su fidelidad e inaugura un nuevo reino, que da una nueva esperanza a la humanidad. ¿Y qué es esta esperanza? Vida eterna.

Para un cristiano, tener esperanza significa la certeza de estar en un viaje con Cristo hacia el Padre que nos espera. La esperanza nunca está quieta; la esperanza siempre está viajando, y nos hace viajar.

[En nuestro viaje con Jesús] cada sí que decimos es una semilla de esperanza. Confiemos en esta semilla de esperanza, en este sí [para viajar con él].

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